Our wayback machine downloader creates a ZIP file that includes everything you need to restore the website in its old state. It contains all the required front-end files (HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Flash etc), a sitemap.xml and an Apache configuration file (.htaccess) to make the pages accessible on their former URL.
You don't have to understand the technical details to use the wayback downloader though. Just fill in a URL and let the scraper download all the files from wayback machine. With our super easy installation instructions it's literally a 1 min job (if your host as cPanel or directadmin)!
However, you can also give us your server login details and then we will install the results of the wayback downloader for an extra €7,50.
Some other features:
Basically: we take care of the technical details, and even provide the installation support if you require this.
The web archive is also known as the internet archive. Their application to view files is called the Wayback Machine. It shows websites as they appeared at different points in their history. It is especially useful to recover data from old websites, that are not online anymore
The Internet Archive is anon-profit organization dedicated to backup the internet as a whole. It can only make backups of front end files though, since it obviously doesn't have access to the backend of websites. This might seem obvious, but many people still ask us to recover WordPress websites and then expect that we recover the WordPress dashboard like it was before!
We created the wayback machine downloader that makes it easy to download a website using the internet archive as a source. It allows youto recover or rebuild websites in case you forgot to pay for your hosting, or if the original website was lost for some other reason.
Here is an overview of our most common users. Why would you use us to restore websites from the wayback machine?
Maybe you've missed on an hosting payment
One a Monday morning, you look at your website and find that all your content has been hacked! Somebody placed all types of backlinks to their own website and all the backups that your hosting provider made, also contain the hacked content. Or maybe you have forgotten to pay the hosting bills. The warning emails went to your spam box and now your hosting company has disconnected your website unable. Either way, you need to rebuild your backup and the wayback machine is your last resort
Our wayback machine downloader is made for situations like this. With a number of simple clicks – and following clear instructions – you are back on track, recovering your website from the ashes – and download sites exactly as they were before disaster struck.
What are other reasons to download websites with our service?
Here is an overview of our most common users. Why would you use us to download websites?
Nostalgia, because you are afraid it will disappear from archive.org by a removal request.
Many websites have changed or disappeared completely from the web and the only method to safeguard them is with our wayback machine downloader.
When you download websites from archive.org, you can get back all your timeless memories and the good times associated with them.
You only have to look up the correct URL and start your archive.org download process. Our tool crawls your website up to 6 levels deep and creates an set of files that contains your whole website.
It includes everything that is 6 clicks away from the homepage. That's normally all pages from a very large website!
Price:. You might be aware of our competition from Wayback Machine Downloader. They charge $15 per site(!), while we charge less than 10 euro.
You were hacked. A hacker hijacked your website and has put ads on your pages for his own profit. You cannot access your hosting server anymore, so you don't even have access to your backups.
No panic! We can help you to download site from the wayback machine and, within minutes, restore your website exactly as it was before the disaster.
Or let's assume for a moment that you are a lawyer who needs legal evidence for a lawsuit. The other party can simply decide to send a removal request to the internet archive and all your evidence can be gone. Simply make a copy of the web archive pages and use it as evidence in lawsuits.
For instance, in cases of copyright infringement and patent law. The Wayback Machine will take removal requests, therefore it's a good idea to have your personal copy should the website in case vanish from the web archive.
Internet marketers (SEO'ers) will also find this tool very helpful due to its ability to recover content from a site the marketer has purchased to use it for SEO purposes.
Do you have expired PBN domain and want to include the old content of the purchased domain in order to maintain its prior authority in the eyes of Google? Would you like to maintain its trust?
This is where our Wayback Machine Downloader really shines. It provides a seamless transition to the way the site was before you purchased the domain, re-establishing all its prior key values. The URLs are even recovered on exactly the same paths as on the original site, making sure that all backlinks are redirected to the proper page.
Or use it to take content from a bankrupt competitor. What if one of your competitors went out of business and took down their website in the proceedings? Insert their URL and restore a huge amount of useable information. You can even use their website as a PBN website on a different (expired) domain!
Not only one less competitor to worry about, but also a huge gain for your company. Generally speaking, this can be done for any website in your market that was switched off. But don't forget to slightly alter this information before you put it on your website, to avoid copyright infringements.
You see, there are many good reasons to use our Wayback Machine Downloader. If you need assistance or more information, send us a message and we will explain how we can assist you.